Sunday, 30 January 2011

Random Models and More Thoughts on Module

I've been watching some video tutorials in order to obtain a better knowledge and understanding of using 3DS Max, and 3D modelling as a whole. After looking at some other students blogs, I realised I should probably have been documenting the pieces of work I've been doing while watching these tutorials.

I only have a couple of finished models, and in the future I'll make sure to take notes and screenshots as I'm going, so that I am able to provide a more in depth description of the modelling process.

An Apple from the first module tutorial:

Strangely proud of this little thing. Although I think the main reason I like it is because of the oddly accurate colour 3DS Max gave it automatically.

A Fan:

Honestly, after looking through other students blogs and seeing the amount of work that has been produced, I feel very disheartened. For the first time since I started university, this module has really peaked my interests, and I thought I'd easily be able to give it 110% purely from enjoyment. Looks like I need to put a lot more effort in!

1 comment:

  1. Good work Jack, The shape of the apple is spot on and you have produced a good researh board
